Friday, April 15, 2011

Free-Range Eggs

I have long been a proponent of "Free-Range" eggs. I have made extra effort and paid a higher price at the check out in order to support what I thought was a more humane way of raising chickens.

Unfortunately, my recent study of free-range eggs has led me to a very disappointing conclusion: "free-range" is the new "all natural".

In the U.S. there are no standards that eggs must meet to be considered "free-range". That means just about any 'ole egg can be labeled as such.

Many egg suppliers will often add "cage free" or "barn roaming" to further their "free-range" claim so when buying your eggs, look for these labels! Or simplify life by choosing "Organic".

Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia to outline Organic Eggs:

Organic egg production is the production of eggs through organic means. In this process, the poultry are fed organic feed. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, organic means that the laying hens must have access to the outdoors and cannot be raised in cages.[1] Organic egg producers cannot use antibiotics except during an infectious outbreak. Only natural molting can occur within the flock; forced molting is not allowed. Organic certification also requires maintenance of basic animal welfare standards.

That seals it for me!! I'm switching to organic - even though the cost of the eggs are double. On the up side, I have found that organic eggs taste better and have better color.

Will you join me in the push for organic eggs? If not for me, do it for those hard working hens. They don't deserved to be penned, injected and forced to produce.

Now it's time to dye some eggs!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Project 52

So I've been seeing a couple people in my social network working on "365 Projects" (posting photos or blogs daily w/ specific themes in mind). I guarantee you that 365 postings in a year is WAY more than I can commit to. Just look at my most recent last posting was in October!! So much has happened since then but I've not posted about it.

Please don't hold your breath - I just can't catch up! So I'm starting fresh for the new year...that started four months ago.

HEY! lay off, i'm a busy woman.

If you're interested, here is the site that I'm getting my inspiration from:

Yes, the year is currently in the 13th week, but I'm going to start with week one - "EGG".

Egg is my theme this week and I will post a photo and a story about an egg, centering on an egg or having some sort of egg relation. I will have this posted no later than Wed. April 13.

Now I need you to hold me to it! In fact, join me.