Tuesday, March 2, 2010

DAY 7: Coming home! (3.1.10)

We were released a whole two days earlier than I had expected!

We had a pediatrician visit first thing in the morning, and so when I showed up to retrieve Zac, the midwife informed me that I was able to check out today if I wanted. Well heck yes!

So, we began making preparations. Stephen started cleaning and packing the room. Grammy & Gramps were put on alert. We had a hearing test at 11:30 (he passed w/ flying colors) and a photography appointment at noon. By 1:30 pm we were making our final arrangements, getting final instructions and snapping our little peanut into his new peanut shell – the car seat.

We arrived home shortly before 2pm. We went directly to the nursery, spent a half hour nursing and followed that up with a nearly 4 hour nap…well, Zac napped, we were making phone calls, video calls, and trying to get caught up on all that we had missed over the last week.

Our first night at home went smashingly! Feedings were equally spaced, sleep was had by those who could get it and again, confidence took a shot in the arm and skyrocketed.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! You're home! Oh, Nikki, he's so cute. I'm so excited for y'all (I think I've said this on facebook like 3 times). Thanks for sharing all the details. I announced your good news on Sunday at church and lots of folks said congrats and yay! I can't wait to talk to you, but I won't call right now. But, if and when you're up and bored and need to call, feel free! HUGS to all three of you. Emmy is blowing raspberries for Zac right now.
