Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat?!

It's been a while since I've written, so I just wanted to give you all a mini-update.

Stephen and I haven't really gone on any advetures lately. Fall has brought us some BEAUTIFUL autumn color, but the weather turns a bit grey, rainy and dreary in late fall.

On a personal note, I have now lost 45 lbs. I'm steaming full force ahead at my first major goal of 50 lbs. I've been working with a personal trainer for the last 2 months and have been loving it! He kicks my ass every week, and I pay him for it.

Last night was Halloween. Sadly, Halloween isn't very popular in Germany - so we thought. So in order to not stand out, Stephen and I didn't make any party plans, didn't carve pumpkins and only bought candy for our own consumption. Additionally, I was working that evening at a special event. So no real reason to make any effort.

Well I ended up getting off early, and was home at about 6:30 pm. On my way in, i accidentally hit the porch light and it didn't take too long for the first kids to show up at our door to scream "Suss oder Sauer!" (Trick or Treat in German). I was VERY suprised. Halloween and Trick or Treating is really an American tradition.

Luckily we had some candy and there were only 2 of them. So I passed out the candy, closed the door, and turned off the light.

Turns out - the light has nothing to do w/ it. Every kid, rings every door bell! So, we closed the shutters (to protect from flying eggs), kept the TV low and ignored the bell. I know, we're a bunch of party poopers, but I was just unprepared to spend the evening passing out candy.

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