2) Huggies diapers – I feel that they are contoured better than Pampers. Pampers and Luvs are practically the same diaper (the difference being the pictures that are printed on the diapers). I’ve heard that Pampers can hold more pee, but in my trials, they worked equally well. Huggies has 2 levels of quality. Huggies Snug & Dry and Huggies Swaddlers. I’ve noticed that the swaddlers run a bit smaller, are softer and have the “mess catcher” (an extra fold on the backside to catch the runny poops – actually works well!).
3) Huggies wipes – thick, strong, fresh. That’s all you need!
4) Baby Gym – I should have gotten this sooner. Not only does it encourage motor skills, it’s a huge help for mom too. I can put Zac in it and drink my cup of coffee and maybe even eat some breakfast before he’s done enjoying it. Get this one early for everyone’s benefit. We use the Tiny Love Kick ‘n’ discover.
5) Pack’n’play – the Crib, we’ve established, is for night time sleeping. The PNP is for day time sleeping. It’s portable, relatively small and handy to have especially when baby’s crib is on a different floor than your daytime living spaces.
6) Swing – Oy! This think is a life saver! Crabby baby goes in, turns into sleepy baby, happy baby comes out 20-60 min later. We have the Fisher Price starlight Papasan. Zac is mesmerized by the lighted stars and it chills him out quickly.
7) Strollers – originally I didn’t want to do a travel system. I was just not happy with the quality available to us. It turns out that we needed the infant bucket seat and now I’m desperately wanting the pop in stroller option. Well…Greco makes a stroller frame for the bucket seat. We’ll be picking one of these up when we get back to the states. I’ve seen how easy it is for my friends and I want to have the option of the big comfy pram as well as the quick pop in of the stroller frame. We will still use the pram, but it’ll be for those times when we’ll be on the roll for extended periods (walking in the city, exercising, etc).
8) Pumping Bra – this hands free, bandu bra helps me pump more milk! How? Well when I’m more relaxed, I get more milk. And when I don’t have to worry about keeping the pump properly positioned, I’m more relaxed.
9) Microwave Steam Sterilizer – most importantly, make sure that it fits in your Microwave before you purchase it. But this handy dandy contraption steam cleans breast pump parts, bottles, nipples, pacifiers and even toys. Madela makes micro steam bags, which are handy when traveling, but the contraption will last longer and save $.
10) Baby Timer App for iphone/itouch – in the first days, you will be obsessed with: sleep, feedings, pees and poops. This app tracks all of this and more. I loved it, it was only $5 and I was addicted to it for the first couple of Months. It really helps a sleep deprived mom to remember what’s been going on.
11) Baby Gas Drops – we were giving Zac this at nearly every feeding in the beginning. Very helpful
12) Colic Calm – when the problems are bigger than gas bubbles, this product really seems to help him feel better. This product has charcoal in it, so don’t be surprised when your baby’s poos are dark or black for 2 days after giving him the dosage.
13) Video Baby Monitor – Sound only would work just as well, however, I like peeking in at him without him knowing it! Ours even has lullabies that can be triggered remotely. Sometimes, if he’s getting fussy, I can turn on the music from the living room and it helps him relax off into dreamland.
14) Boppy Nursing Pillow – I have one for each floor! Not only does it help me to nurse him, but it’s also great for tummy time and propping him up for sitting (DO NOT LEAVE BABY UNATTENDED!!!).

I’m certain that as Zac grows and his needs change, so will his stuff. And when it does, I’ll let you know!
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