Zac, Stephen and I are doing great! Zac and Stephen are still defining their roles with each other, but it's starting to look like Stephen is the best joke Zac has ever experienced. Whenever dad comes home, or spends quality time with him, Zac is awe struck and all smiles by the attention that Stephen pours on him.
On the other side, you've got Zac and me. I'm now able to distinguish Zac's cries by his needs and I'm pretty familiar with the daily routine (as routine as a 3 month old gets). I look forward to every moment I get with him...mostly. There are those occasional 3a.m. feedings that I wouldn't mind sleeping through every once in a while.
Speaking of sleeping through, on Mother's Day eve, Zac had his FIRST through-the-night sleep fest! Just before putting him to bed that night, we had a chat, and this is what I asked for, for Mother's day. The little peach listened and complied! Of course, I didn't sleep thru the night. I woke up 2 or 3 times just to go check on him.
Zac is still "sleeping thru the night" with long 5-7 hour stretches! It's not always predictable which 5 hours he'll give me and it's not always the convenient hours in which I'd rather be sleeping, but he's doing it! My little man is growing up.

We have the pleasure of Stephen's sister here visiting for a short while. She kindly gave us last Saturday all to ourselves! So Stephen and I had a wonderful day at the spa (the German version...saunas, steam rooms, wellness stuff). It was great to be just him and me, if only for just a few hours.
The weather here is increasingly better. The sun shines much longer now and the temperature is slowly climbing. Summer is on its way and I can't wait! We have some travel plans...back to the states! We will be visiting our families in WI and VA. I am SO excited to introduce my son to my parents! "Look mom & dad, Look what I made!"

All in all, we're a happy little family - and I think it shows in our own personal satisfaction and our darling, well adapted, genius of a son.
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