Again, we celebrated this big holiday as a "Just Us" event. So to make it extra special for us (as this may be the first and last "Just Us" Christmas) we booked a hotel in the German Alps.
We left after opening gifts on Christmas morning - which I must say was a blast and we didn't deserve nearly all that we got! We drove for a couple hours and made a stop in Stuttgart where my uncle lives. We stopped for cookies and tea (and a potty break) and then were back on the road again.
About two hours later we began approaching the city of Garmisch-Partenkirschen. Now, up until this point, I was getting quite concerned. All the snow that all of Germany had gotten has suddenly melted or been washed away and the pastures were green again. We decided to head south-east to the mountains for a White Christmas!
Well, as the sun went down and we climbed in altitude, the sputtering rain that seemed to accompany us all day long began to turn into flakes. Soon, we found ourselves thankful for the guy in front of us, because we were now off the main autobahn and on some smaller mountain highways. The snow was now coming down in full force! It fell in clumps the size of my fist! It was BEAUTIFUL! Our White Christmas had arriveds, just in time.
The city is actually located in a valley, so as soon as we started decending, again, the snow turned to rain - but now we knew, there was snow in them-there mountains.
After dinner, we went back to the room, donned our swimsuits and went to the pool & spa where we were the only two people in the entire place. It was excellent!! The pool was very warm so I grabed a pool-noodle and floated on the serface for about an hour while stephen paddled around and relaxed as well.
The next morning (or more like later that night), I was awake at 4am. Sadly, this is more common now than I'd like it to be. So in an effort not to wake Stephen, I grabbed my book, my computer and my cross-stitch and headed down to the main hall of the hotel. There I grabbed a chair and settled in for the next 3 hours enjoying the quiet. I could tell that I was making the front-desk guy nervous. He kept checking on me (by "casually" walking by the entrance) and ocasionally asked if I needed anything and if anything was wrong. It was very nice of him to be concerned - customer service like this doen't occur frequently in Germany.
Finally, 7am rolled around, and by now most of the hotel day staff were arriving. I, from that moment on, gained a reputation as the insomniac pregnant lady and all the staff treated me with kid-gloves looking for ways to help. Again, super nice and kind, but a little embarassing.
I gently woke Stephen, because now i was bored out of my mind and famished, and we got dressed and ready for our day of mountain adventure. We enjoyed a beautiful spread of breakfast (a bit better than dinner the night before) and then we were off! As we were visiting with my uncle and his wife, they described their favorite way to make it to the Piste of "Zugspitz" (the hightest point in Germany and our host mountain for the day). So, on his advices, we drove to the "Eibsee" lake and took a cable car from the lake to the summet.
Let me also explain that Dec. 26 is the official start of the high-season for Alps skiing. IT WAS PACKED! And not just with people - equipment and cranky children in snowsuits too. And not just skiiers. Snowboarders and sledders were out in force too. We arrived at the cable-car station at about 10am. After a long line, and a 10 or so minute ride, we arrived at the observation station just before noon. Just in time to catch lunch.
Finally, when my lungs were crystalized and our camera had about 3 trillion shots of the mountains from both the German and Austrian sides, I convinced Stephen (with little effort) that it was time to head back to the hotel to warm up.
We caught another cable car back to the orginating station, jumped in the car, turned everythign on high (including the bun warmers) and went back to the hotel. We arrived just in time for the start of "Tea Hour". Now, I've never been to a hotel (Germany or otherwise) that had a tea time, but we did notice that a great number of guests were from the UK. It was quite enjoyable, hot tea, cookies & torts and some more quite snuggle time w/ our books on a leather couch.
Once we were sufficiently tea-ed, we decided it was time to better explore the pool & spa. We started in the pool, floating, relaxing, warming. Then I was curious about the rest of the spa. We were, again, the only people in the spa! So we took a few minutes to check out the resting room, the steam room and the sauna. Never staying very long in any of them as I am unable to do those things right now. Still, we stayed long enough to throughly thaw ourselves and satisfy our curiosity.
We then, at the recommendation of the hotel, made a dinner reservation at a bavarian restaurant/guesthouse. The food was good, the service was OK but it was BUSY and I don't think one customer in there spoke German (mostly Americans) - that is until we were just about through with our meal and our 6 person table seemed more appropriate for 7 people (the 5 Germans that just walked in the door, and me & Stephen). This, too, is quite common for Germans. If seats are open, and your butt needs one, there's no beef in sharing a table w/ strangers.
This did make Stephen a bit uncomfortable, but we didn't have to bare it very long as we were now finished with our meal. We paid our bill, and then went for a stroll in the chilly night air. I had every intention of making it to the end of the street we were visiting (a pedestrian zone with small boutiques selling things like porceline, tea/coffee and other delightfull small things) but as we approched the parking garage where we were parked, I decided that I had again, had enough cold air and that I was ready to head back to the hotel.
The next morning, we had breakfast agian, packed up the room and headed home. We again, met up with my uncle and his wife for lunch in Stuttgart and arrived home on Sunday at dinner time.
Stephen and I had a LOVELY Christmas weekend!
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