Sunday, December 27, 2009
Our Christmas Weekend
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
An Uneventful Check-Up & the Thanksgiving Update
On an unrelated note, Stephen and I enjoyed a very chill Thanksgiving. This year, we didn't go anywhere and we didn't have any guests to entertain. It was just the 2 of us. So instead of going through all the work of preparing the TG meal, we decided to dine at the DFAC (that's army speak for "Dining Facility" otherwise known as the cafeteria).
It was AWESOME!! They served 5 different types of meat and all the sides plus some! No cooking, no cleaning and all for just $7. It was an excellent meal and I'm very glad we decided to do it that way. Stephen's sad that there weren't any leftovers, but it seems like he got over that quickly. Most years, I throw away more leftovers than we eat.
The only thing we would have changed is to have done it with a couple of friends. Since it was just the two of us, conversation was a little slow. Thankfully, for Stephen, CNN was playing just behind me so at least he could catch up on the news. :)
The Christmas tree is up, the house is decorated and we are well on our way to Christmas (notice the fire burning in the "fireplace" aka TV). Almost all the shopping is complete and we've made some plans for our actual Christmas Day festivities. We've decided to go to the mountains!!
For more photos of tree decorating, go here.
We booked a hotel in the German Alps and are hoping for a little snow to go along w/ our storybook hotel. The excellent part is that this hotel is a spa hotel and all their spa services are included in your stay! Sadly, they don't offer massage - which was a total focal point for me as I am unable to use saunas, hot tubs or steam rooms right now. Well watch out indoor pool! Cuz I'm coming for ya!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
It's a Boy!
Pacifier? Why a pacifier? – well, because all the nuks we have access to, seem to come in 2 color options – white and blue or white and pink. So, we went blue. The doctor specifically said “I wouldn’t go out and buy all boy things yet” so we will wait another 4 weeks for a chance to take another peek. In the end, 100% certainty is only attained after birth. So things could still go either way…but like I said, using mommy intuition, I’m fairly certain that Stephen Jr. (NO THAT IS NOT THE NAME WE’VE CHOSEN) is on his way.
View new ultrasounds here on Flickr
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Volvo Experience
By the time we finished breakfast, we were headed back into civilization so we went back up to take more photos, exchanged some Euro for Swedish Kronor and then got ready to disembark. The captain was quite impressive. There were some interesting maneuvers that had to be made to get us into dock and he did it w/o any trouble.
We loaded up onto the boat, this time thru the vehicle ferry entrance, went back to our birth, dropped our things, and went to the sundeck to enjoy the sunset.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
No new news...

The baby stayed face down (toward my spine) and legs crossed the entire time. He/She even squirmed away from the doctor several times.
Everything looks healthy, the baby is very active and has a heart rate of 127. The Previa looks to have moved completely in the last 5 weeks so that's even greater news.
We have a few more U/S pictures, but again, it's hard to tell what they are.
Tune back next time for more adventures - the next appointment is Nov. 10.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
It's been too long!
Since we last checked in with "first baby scare" not too many things have been going on. The baby is doing very well...I think :) and Stephen and I don't have too much to complain about.
Just this past Friday (Oct. 9), I gave my last performance of "Almost, Maine". This play was a lot of fun to do, but I found myself very uninterested in continuing to do the production after 2 weekends (and Friday was the 3rd weekend). It just zapped the energy and excitement from me. I loved seeing the other cast/crew members so often (as many of them are now very good friends) but I just don't have the stamina to work & rehearse all week and perform on the weekends.
The good news is last Friday was actually for competition. Not the whole show went, only select scenes and my scene was one of the ones selected. The awards show is tonight, but I don't plan on attending - so hopefully I'll get some good news regarding awards, if not about myself at least about my show. For photos, click here.
I am now 19 weeks pregnant and am feeling the baby move! I began recognizing it at week 17, but now that I know what it feels like, I know that I was also feeling the baby move as early as week 14. We have a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday and this is the appointment that we could possibly find out the gender of the baby.
YES! We do want to know!! It's driving me batty not knowing. And I'm so honestly confused by the thoughts and intuition that even I can't tell if it's a boy or a girl. Some days, I see the face of an adorable little girl and on these days I crave fruits and sweets. Some days, I hear a little boy "whisper" in my ear and on these days, my attitude is fierce and my skin is dry.
What's a girl to do?! I suppose, I just wait and pray that God gives us a healthy miniature of ourselves. I will certainly post an update if we have any news after Tuesday. And of course, 20 week baby bump photos will be taken on Friday, Oct. 16 (ish). For other baby bump photos, click here.
Monday is a federal holiday!! So let me be the first to wish you "Happy Columbus Day"! Seriously? Who celebrates Columbus Day? How does one celebrate Columbus Day? Is there a special meal? Perhaps a gift? Well, I completely forgot that it was a holiday and scheduled a doctor’s appointment for my stomach as early as possible (no concerns, just routine follow-up). Which, for any other doc appointment, wouldn't be an issue. The problem here, is that the doc is an hour away, the appointment is at 8am and just because I'm having a holiday, that doesn't mean all the Germans trying to commute will.
So despite my having a holiday, I’m still going to have to leave the house at 6:15 a.m. to get to my appointment on time and hope that traffic jams and construction don't hold me longer than 45 minutes. UHG! Usually I'm an early riser...but I like to rise early so that I can go sit and relax or do something fun...not shower and get ready to fight traffic.
The good news about the whole situation is that the appointment is in Mannheim, Germany and this is a FANTASTIC shopping area. So far, I've got Stephen coming with me and maybe we can do some shopping. I'm hoping it'll turn into a delightful day in the city - weather permitting.
I know I mentioned before my vivid dreams. Well, I had a doozie today. This is 99.9% of the reason I woke up at 5 a.m. today. Sadly, this wasn't one of those wonderful, happy, colorful dreams. This one was quite horrific...
I dreamed that I had gotten pregnant while SCUBA diving (yes, that is medically impossible, but it's a dream, just go with me on this). Stephen and I were so happy, because this is what we wanted and found this to be a lucky coincidence.

I dropped it and it scurried behind a dresser (the very dresser we plan on using for the baby). In an effort to trap it, Stephen pushed the dresser up against the wall as tight as possible. I then told him to drop the dresser leg on top of the thing to kill it. He did, but it wasn't quite dead. So I got on the dresser and we both continued to drop the furniture onto the thing until pieces of its body began to break off. The pieces still writhed as independent entities.
"Hurry, gather all the pieces and burn it" I said. And as Stephen was wrapping the pieces in white paper, a hand got away, fell off the table he was working on and dropped to the floor. The skin peeled back to reveal a mechanical robotic hand.
The fingers stretched and clawed in an effort to get away, and as this happened, the hand sprouted a new arm, new shoulders, new body, new neck and head. It regenerated into a complete being again.
Before it could regain conciseness, I grabbed it by the neck, turned it face down on the floor, grabbed a HUGE letter opener and began stabbing and cutting the thing. I made extra sure to hit all vital organs beginning with the lungs and heart and concentrating on the brain stem.
As I was slashing and cutting, I found myself very concerned that I was cutting the orange carpeting.
When I felt like I had done a good enough job with the cutting, I took the head into my left hand, twisted it awkwardly (to break the neck) and then ripped the head off. I then continued to dismember the thing and stopped when all the pieces were dead.
I was covered in deep red and blue blood so we decided to go swimming so that I could get cleaned up. Swimming in the exact same place that I became pregnant.
I think that it's quite clear why I couldn't go back to sleep after this.
The most surprising thing is that while I lay in bed, I kept telling myself "remember every detail! Write it down. Don't forget anything." Even though this may have been the most horrific dream I've ever had. The dream was so full of color, commitment, anger, pain, fear and I could actually feel the way the letter opener passed thru the body and organs. It was disgusting and I'm quite surprised by myself and my brain's interpretation of such an act.
Hopefully soon, these images will be replaced by baby duckies and kittens. I don't think I can handle much more of this grotesque abomination.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
First Baby Scare
So I of course turned to the very trusty internet to research it and all signs were pointing to "probably nothing to worry about, but contact your doctor". I next called up the insurance company's nurse line. The woman was incompetent, and simply gave me an over the phone computer survey and said "contact your doctor w/in 72 hours". No advice, no explanations, no comforting. So, I called the hospital, told them my symptoms, and they told me to come in so they could take a look.
After about 90 min. in the waiting room, we were seen by a doc (at 9pm). She did an exam and an ultrasound. The baby is fine! Peanut was very active on the monitor but the doc did find that my placenta was covering my cervix (this is a condition called complete placenta previa). She couldn't be certain, but she suspected that this was the reason for the spotting.
I have since, had no additional spotting.
Good news is, this placenta previa happens to a lot of women in the early stages of pregnancy and they "outgrow" it by the time the baby is ready for delivery. I got an appointment this afternoon w/ my usual doc, and she said it wasn't anything to be concerned about at this time, and that as my uterus grows, the placenta will probably migrate away from the cervix. If it doesn't then we'll have to deliver by C-section. Either way, the baby is healthy, strong, active and 4 days ahead of schedule.
We had an extra long ultrasound (u/s) today and get to see a BUNCH of great things (baby's spine, shoulder blade, ribs, legs, brain). But peanut was shy and didn't wave or smile for us and stayed in a head-tucked-down position.
We got 4 new u/s pictures, but let me say, even as the mom of this child, i can't tell a THING from these! They're not very clear and its hard to make out any distinct parts. I'll post them on my flikr but you're probably not going to get much out of them :). This was my first real trans-abdominal (like you see in the movies) u/s. and the baby is now 15 cm, 100g (6 in / 3.5oz) Previous u/s have been trans-vaginal which give a much clearer pic when the baby is so small.
it's still too early to tell the gender, but the doc tried w/ no luck. But we have moved into a new category of measurements. in the first trimester, they measure crown-rump length (from top of head, to the bottom of the hiney) and the head circumference. Today, we had head circumference, crown/rump and now femur length. So, good news is, our baby has legs!! Which we didn't see on the last u/s (doesn't mean they weren't there, we just didn't see them)
Bottom line, baby's healthy, i'm healthy and now we're hoping that in the next 6 mos. i'll "grow out" of my placenta previa.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
12 is the Magic Number
The whole process has been such a breeze that I wouldn't even believe that I was pregnant unless it were for the ultrasound!
Well, as it turns out, 12 is my magic number. On Friday, I entered my 12th week of pregnancy. On Saturday I couldn't find enough food in the house to keep me satisfied. I ate, and ate, and ate and still my stomach rumbled!
Fast forward to today, Tuesday. I woke up this morning at 5am from a vivid dream - ok, so that's one more symptom that I'm suffering from, vivid and memorable dreams. The dream goes a little like this: Stephen and I were in what looked like movie theater seating. My parents were there, my Aunt Amy & Uncle Jim, Cousin DeeDee and Great Aunt Betty. Everybody was hugging and smiling and congratulating us about the baby. But then, Aunt Betty wrapped her arms around me and I just lost it completely. I began SOBBING uncontrollably. No reason, it was a VERY happy dream. But I just couldn't hold it in any more. My dream crying woke me up where I proceeded to be racked with sobbing, for real.
Again, I didn't really have any reason to be so moved! Yes, this process is scary. Yes, I have no idea what I'm doing. But I also have full confidence that I can do it and I have an amazing partner by my side to lean on when ever needed.
So after a few minutes of steeping in my own tear soaked pillow I decided that I needed a change of scenery. Maybe if I got away from "the scene of the crime" I could focus on something else and stop the blasted crying.
So I got up and made myself some Malt-O-Meal for breakfast. I poured the water in the pot, added all the ingredients and as I stirred tears rolled down my cheeks. My lips twisted in grimace. When it was finished, I sat down at the kitchen table and nursed my breakfast while I read a magazine thru bleary eyes and tear stained glasses.
Finally finished with my breakfast and fed up with my behavior, I slipped into some workout clothes and got my heart pumping. Finally, relief! Something else to focus my energy into...for a half hour.
After my work out, it was time to get ready for the day. So I went back into the bedroom where Stephen was groggily wishing the sun wasn't up yet. I sat down and was telling him about my morning (I had been up for about an hour and a half by then). And the damn tears started again.
I thought I was going to be in trouble ALL day long!
Thankfully, I wasn't. As soon as I got to work, my brain locked in on the task at hand and the day went by without so much as a whimper.
But I didn't stay that lucky.
I picked up a few movies from the Library today, so after dinner I popped in "Juno". For those of you who don't know, it's a charming story about a 16 year old girl who gets pregnant. It has just enough humor and happy endings to make it light and easy to swallow. How was I supposed to know that I was going to unintentionally torture myself for the duration?
Well, this may be the most powerful movie I've ever seen (even thought I thought it was too annoying to even get thru the first half hour the first time I tried to watch it a year ago). Or at least that's what you'd think if you had watched me watching this movie. Thankfully, Stephen was at Aikido class and only witnessed the last twenty minutes of me and the movie.
Again! Uncontrollable sobbing, however, this time, the tears were mixed with deep belly laughs. I was completely amazed at myself! I don't crumble like this! I'm a woman in control. But this movie triggered in me some torrent flood of unstoppable erratic emotions and I could do nothing but strap in for the horrific ride.
Now it's 9pm, bedtime. I think I should be able to make it up the stairs and into bed with out slipping in a puddle of my own salty brine.
So, apparently, 12 is MY magic pregnancy number where the symptoms really started to hit hard.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Peanut Watson

Yes, it's true! With God's blessing, Stephen & I will be welcoming the newest generation of the Watson clan in March 2010. We're pregnant!
"Peanut", as we are calling it, is now 10.5 weeks along and we've just come from the doctor's office where we had our 3rd visit and ultrasound.
Everything is going splendidly, and I've had no trouble at all these last several weeks. This includes no morning sickness (knocking on wood)! In fact, things are going so well, Peanut is already 6 days ahead of schedule - that's my little overachiever!
I'm so excited that the ultrasound picture turned out so well. For those of you who need decyphering, in the photo above you can see the baby's head & brain (inside the large black spot, on the left side), the baby's body (almost the same size as the head) and just above the baby's nose, is a little hand with 5 fingers waving hello!
We still don't know the gender (won't know for a good 10 more weeks or so) but we did see the beautiful little heart beating, the umbilical cord pulsing and lots of other interesting things like the brain and an eyeball.
So that's the latest news for us, stay tuned for updates as we branch out on another crazy adventure.
Don't forget to check out the latest photos at
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! And stay in touch.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Totally new car buying experience

Stephen and I committed to our next new vehicle - 2010 Volvo XC60. It was a totally new car buying experience. Our "car salesman" was more like a waiter than a salesman. He took our order! We selected the features and functions that we wanted, he wrote them down and now they're off to the factory for the order to get "cooked up".
We're expecting to be able to take delivery on the new car sometime in November. Oh, and that too will be an experience! Volvo offers several options to pick up your vehicle: 1) from the dealer or 2) from the factory.
We decided that we wanted to take the Volvo Experience and pick up our new car at the factory in Sweden. This option had 2 methods: 1) fly up, drive home or 2) train/ferry up, drive/ferry home.
We decided we wanted to take the ferry option. Apparently this is an overnight party cruise ferry. It leaves from Kiel Germany (WAY up nort') sails thru the night and ports in Gotenberg Sweden.
After we arrive, we'll be able to tour the factory, see the crash test facility and do other Volvo inspired activities before we pick up our new machine. After we pick the car up, we drive back to the ferry, cruise back thru the night and drive home.
We're so very happy with this whole process and can't wait to get our new car. However, in the mean time our BMW is now on the market.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
While he's gone
At the beginning of his absence I made (from scratch) chicken fried rice - it was fun, relatively easy and delicious! In the middle, I was still cooking/grilling and enjoyed some gourmet spiced turkey sausage. Last night I think I may have hit a low...pan fried spam and instant mashed potatoes. Well, I thought so, until I was at the check-out at the grocery store today.
My cart included: Cat food, wheat thins, fresh fruit, pimento spread, a frozen turkey dinner and a Twinkie. I started to laugh at myself. It was the perfect confluence of crazy cat lady and "table for one".
"Oh, common" you say, "how in the world does your cart say 'crazy cat lady'". Well...I had cat food...60 cans of various flavors. Which roughly equates to half a metric ton of cat food. Cat Food + frozen dinner = lonely woman* w/ cats :D
Stephen better get home soon...I'm not sure where this downward spiral will take me ;P
*Don't worry, I'm not actually lonely. I've got 3 cats!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
When in Rome...
And we sure tried!!
Stephen, Mom, Dad and I took a little weekend trip to Rome, Italy (July 3-6, 2009). We spent 4 days in the bustling cradle of civilization and took in all the sights we could.
We arrived after midnight on Thursday night. I had specifically chosen the hotel for its location. It was just 2 blocks from the train station where our shuttle would be dropping us off. The unfortunate part was I wasn't sure which 2 blocks away it was.
We set out with a hunch and about half an hr later we found the hotel. The neighborhood was quite sketchy. Homeless people, marauding hooligans...but no one bothered us. We asked about 9 people where our hotel was and they just kept saying "Keep going, straight ahead"...or some version of that.
On Friday, we did the Vatican museum and St. Peter's Square. We had our first gelati and dined in a great family restaurant not far from our hotel. It was also our first taxi experience. If you've never been to Rome, then there's no way you'd know that traffic is the most insane in the world...yea, yea, yea... you can say "sure, but you don't drive in (fill in the blank - D.C., Atlanta, Chicago). To that I say bulls***t! This is the most insane traffic in the world!!!
Cars are double and triple parked on two way streets with buses and semi's not making any attempt to slow down. Lines are on the roads, but within city limits, they mean very little. Passing is the fine art of the mentally instable. Scooters passed on the left while trucks blazed thru on the right. Oncoming traffic? No problem, they'll have to slow down or stop to get out of my way! Pedestrians have the right away...unless the car you're in can drive faster than they run into the street.
Thou Shalt Not Drive In Rome - Leave it to the professionals...and buckle up, just in case.

On Sunday, we went to the beach. We took the urban train out of the city center all the way to the Mediterranean coast and spent a couple hours resting on the beach and exploring the area known as Ostia. We then finished the day with a bit of comfort food...McDonald's. We just couldn't eat any more pasta. Pasta is eaten at every meal (except breakfast, but I'm sure we could have gotten it). Don't get me wrong, it was the best pasta I'd ever had. But one can only take in so many carbs and rich sauces.
On Monday we each went our separate ways. Mom & Dad did a Hop-on/Hop-off bus tour and hit all the major sites. Stephen and I headed back to St. Paul's to get photos from the inside of the Basilica then enjoyed a stroll from the Spanish steps (with all the amazing high end designer shopping), thru Piazza Republica (beautiful fountain & national museum), past the main train station and then back to the hotel where we waited to meet up with mom & dad to head back to Germany.
The weather was excellent! The only complaint was that it was so darn HOT. It was in the mid 90's every day. Not a cloud in the sky. Thankfully I brought my sun hat and spent as much time as I could under my hat or jumping from shady spot to shady spot. No one got sunburned...oh, well, except for dad on beach day, but it was very mild and he was recovered by the next morning.
The trip was just the right amount of time. Four days is just enough to get sick of the hectic traffic and strange food. I was very happy to return to the rainy, cold climate of south-west Germany but more importantly, my bed.
New photos have been posted. Check them out at
Saturday, May 2, 2009
First Open Water SCUBA Dive
We drove to Waldsee, Germany (about 45 min from Ktown) and we unloaded all the gear. There was a group of about 9 of us (7 students, 2 instructors). Stephen and I were the only Americans.
After unpacking and scoping out the lake, we suited up (quite a labor intensive process). We were both sweating by the time we had all the gear on and were looking forward to the cold water.
We waddled down to the lake (because the wetsuits are VERY tight and the gear weighs about 45-50 lbs) and walked in. Our instructor gave us a few more instructions and then we descended to 5 meters (15 feet).
Yes, the water was COLD, but surprisingly, only my face got a little chilly and after that went numb, it was all quite comfortable.
I had a bit of trouble getting orientated as visibility was still poor (about 3-4 feet) and I was scared (as one should be!). But the instructor took my hand and we dove for about 25 minutes. I soon settled in to the sensations and got more comfortable around the 7-10 min mark. When we surfaced, we were about 1/2 a mile from our start point.
At the surface we got some more instructions for our next "assignment" and made our 2nd dive. This one went even better. No hand holding this time. Stephen and I did some underwater skills and then made our way back to our original starting point.
We made our way out onto the beach and back up to our rest area, took everything off, and spread out in the sun to enjoy our picnic lunch while the rest of the students went our with the instructors.
At about 2 p.m. we made our third dive which went even better. We were on the road by 4 p.m. and back home about 6pm. We both got a bit of sun and we both slept VERY well.We have two more dives scheduled for Sunday and then we will be certified!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Common' Baby Light My Fire
I was doing some dishes and noticed that the water was just not getting warm. So, my first thought was "oh, shit, now what", then I thought "oh nevermind, it'll fix its self" and then I was like "OH NO YOU DIDN"T" and I went to the basement to investigate.
First I checked the gas gauge, to see if it was moving - it wasn't (Humm...did we pay our gas bill). Then as I was fiddling w/ gas levers to see if it would change anything, the furnace kicked on - OK, we paid our gas bill! Well, since that was burning, I decided to turn off the lights and see if I could see a pilot light on the water heater. Low and behold, there wasn't one. So I grabbed a screw driver, opened the access panel and stared blankly at the guts.
I've never seen a water heater's insides before.this just isn't a common sense skill for me. So I naturally turned to the directions posted directly above the access panel - Damn it! They’re in German...and not just "Hallo, wie geht's" German. No, it's technical, mechanical; don't blow yourself up, German. UGH! I must have missed that day in German class.
Well, I read what I can (mostly conjunctions and pronouns - not very helpful) and I try to follow the 1, 2, 3 instructions.....
Now, I’m not sure if these are the 1, 2, 3 instructions on how to light the pilot or how to initiate E.T. first contact.
I lucked out! I turned knobs, I pushed buttons, and I didn't end up w/ 2nd degree burns on my arms or ankles! Now I should have hot water in 20 min. or so.
The mystery remains thought, how'd it go out in the first place?
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Day Off
What did I do today? Well, first I did some paperwork (that took me till 1130) then I had lunch with my husband. After that, I headed out to the "Walmart" type store in our area and, NO LIE, bought over $200 in wine!!! Oh, it was FUN. Stephen and I have a wine cellar in our house, so at every opportunity, we buy wine to fill it up (and of course to taste).
After the wine, I bought SHOES! Yes, my knees are shaking, it's been a AWERSOME day.
I think it was an excellent use of vacation time. Now...if I can just get my husband to take me out for dinner.