To clebrate, we took photos and had our first Pediatrician visit. The doctor, Dr. Schmitt, was very nice, extremely personable. However, he talked too much! Poor Zac was all laid out naked on the exam table, and doc is just talking, talking, talking. I just wanted to say "shut up and get on with it so I can dress him!"
In the end, Dr. Schmitt deemed Zac a "Perfect, healthy child". Yay! He now weighs 8.8 lbs and still measures 21.75 inches.
Multi-tasking has taken on an entirely new defination for me. I have ALWAYS been good at multi-tasking. In fact, my time is not properly used unless I'm simultaniously doing at least 2 things. "Having a baby changes everything." This morning, for example, I had finished nursing Zac and had him in his bouncy chair so that I could:
- prepare my breakfast
- brew coffee
- feed cats
- pump breastmilk
- draft my blog in my head
- wonder what the day had in store for us
- review everything that I've not gotten done in the last month
- feel guilty about being completely out of touch with friends and family but not have enough time or energy to do anything about it.
- begin the grocery list
- plan dinner
And speaking of getting out of the house, our kitties are also enjoying the lovely weather! Houdini has been reincarnated as Amber - this cat can get out of anything all in the name of being outside.
For the last 2 years, we've had a catwalk (a netted contraption that the cats can enjoy the out of doors without the danger of being hit by car) on our patio. Well, after several attempts and now a skillful set of manuvers, Amber has thwarted our every measure to keep her from running away. So, we've taking the catwalk off the patio, and moved it to the roof of our carport (which is also the livingroom window). Ha, HA Amber! take that.Well, now, instead of working their way out of the catwalk, they simply wait behind a piece of furniture for us to open the patio door and then shoot out like furry greased lightening. We just thank our stars that our cats can't live without their litterbox. Yes, can you believe it, the litterbox is what keeps em' coming back. After spending time outside, usually the first stop (once back indoors) is a straight line to the litterbox. Hey, whatever it takes to keep them coming home!
So, despite the sleepless nights, lack of social interaction and complete consumption of time by our little man, this month has flown by! And I hear it doesn't get any slower.
Thanks for checking up on us...maybe some day soon we'll have something other than the baby to talk about!