Stephen and I have just returned from our 24 week check up and the doc has given us the news to expect a little boy (with 80% confidence)! Mr. Peanut was positioned with his bottom down in my pelvis so it was hard for her to get a real good look at the evidence – but, she was able to catch a few glimpses and from those glimpses she felt 80% sure that it was a boy. Using my mommy intuition, I’d be happy to call that 90-95% sure. So we celebrated by buying our first pacifier.
Pacifier? Why a pacifier? – well, because all the nuks we have access to, seem to come in 2 color options – white and blue or white and pink. So, we went blue. The doctor specifically said “I wouldn’t go out and buy all boy things yet” so we will wait another 4 weeks for a chance to take another peek. In the end, 100% certainty is only attained after birth. So things could still go either way…but like I said, using mommy intuition, I’m fairly certain that Stephen Jr. (NO THAT IS NOT THE NAME WE’VE CHOSEN) is on his way.
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